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Memories of Sardinia

After a week on the island of Sardegna, it did not feel like Italy to me. It has its own special blend of landscapes, ancient history and cultures that set it apart from the rest of the country.


The capital of Sardinia. We stayed in the Castello district, inside a tiny apartment, inside the wall next to the notorious medieval tower, the Torre dell’Elefante. We had a great view of the city from our window and right outside our door, the old streets of the Castello.  

Chia Beach

Where the wind is a constant.

The Nuraghe

There is evidence of the Nuragic culture scattered all over the island of Sardinia, which lasted from the 18th century BCE (Bronze Age) to 238 BCE when the Romans colonized the island. We visited the site of Nuraghe culture, Barumini, with ruins dating back to 17th century BCE. The archeological museum at the Cittadella dei Musei in Cagliari has an excellent collection of Nuragic bronzes.

Colorful Bosa

Bosa begins on the banks of the Fuime Temo and climbs up the hill to the Malaspina castle, built in the 12th century to defend against west coast pirates. The Sa Costa district is a coloful maze of medieval homes and stone streets. We stayed in an 8th floor rooftop apartment below the castle. I celebrated a very happy 65th birthday here!


A drive up the coast from Bosa to Alighero.

Grotta di Nettuno

656 steps descending to Neptune’s Grotto, a 2 million year old limestone cave.

Last Beach

A drive across the island, a rocky landscape scattered with sheep and naraghi towers, to a beach on the other side. 

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